Template Class Scanner

Class Documentation

template<ScanMode PreferredMode = ScanMode::Avx2>
class Scanner

Single result IDA-style pattern scanner.

A pattern scanner that searches for an IDA-style pattern and returns the pointer to the first occurrence in the binary.

Template Parameters:

PreferredMode – the preferred scan mode. This is used as a suggestion for the scanner which mode to try first, if the mode is not supported, it will try every other one until it finds a supported one.

Public Functions

inline Scanner(Pattern pattern)

Create a new Scanner instance with an IDA-style pattern


LightningScanner::Scanner("48 89 5c 24 ?? 48 89 6c");
inline ScanResult Find(void *startAddr, size_t size) const

Find the first occurrence of the pattern in the binary


using namespace LightningScanner;
const auto scanner = Scanner("48 89 5c 24 ?? 48 89 6c");
ScanResult result = scanner.Find(binary, binarySize);
  • startAddr – address to start the search from

  • size – binary size of the search area


A ScanResult instance

Private Functions

inline ScanResult FindAMD64(void *startAddr, size_t size) const

Private Members

Pattern m_Pattern